Dr. Jeff Root, dean of the school of humanities, spoke on the celebration of Ouachita's 125th anniversary. “The burgeoning world of 1886 needed colleges and universities dedicated to the acquisition and the teaching of knowledge,” Root emphasized. “It also needed colleges and universities which recognized our spiritual needs and potentialities. Ouachita was established with both of these in mind – excellence in academics and spiritual growth through a relationship with Jesus Christ and in a community of believers. This was the mission of Ouachita when it was established in 1886,” he concluded, “and this is Ouachita’s mission today.” Check out the OBU website for more information! http://www.obu.edu/
Ouachita has undoubtedly strengthened my academics and faith in Christ Jesus. I treasure the time spent and relationships formed at Ouachita. I strive to represent Christ in all I do and give thanks for all of the talents and opportunities He has given me.
Onstage questions: Name a recent goal that you have accomplished. How do you encourage your friends to appreciate the pageant system?
Talent: tap dance to I've Got Rhythm!